Monthly Archive: April, 2013

Spinach, Artichoke Heart, Fresh Basil & Cherry Tomato Omelet with a Drizzle of Balsamic Vinegar Reduction and Shaved Parmsan

Omelets are awesome because you can stuff them with almost anything- you just have to take a look in your fridge and pantry for some inspiration. They are also perfect if you’re a… Continue reading

Savory Kiwi Bruschetta Baked on Rye with Honey, Cream Cheese, and Cracked Black Pepper

This little snack is a great accompaniment to your mid-morning or mid-afternoon tea. The warm spices are contrasted by a little pop of citrus from the kiwi, and the honey and cream cheese… Continue reading

Strawberry Shortbread Cake

The strawberries at the grocery store this week were absolutely gigantic and delicious looking, just waiting to be baked into a scrumptious strawberry shortbread cake. The recipe is quick to prepare and is… Continue reading